Op 12 spril heeft Duza haar eerste nestje gekregen. Na een best wel lange, maar voorspoedige bevalling zijn er 10 tatrahond puppies geboren. Vijf reutjes en vijf teefjes. Moeder en puppies maken het heel goed en Dusza …
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Category: breeder Tatradogs
Puppies are born!
on March 28 maart puppies of Zibah en Swornik were born. Pictures and updates of them shall be published on page S-litter 28-03-2017.
Not just one, but nine birthdays!
[gallery link="file" size="medium" ids="3289,3288,3287,3286,3285,3284,3283,3282,3281"]
A year has passed since these lovely and sweet Tatra mountaindogs were born. Their parents Gordon and Zibah can be proud. They have …
Zibah expects puppies!
Tatradog puppies 3 weeks old today!
Today our nine puppies are 3 weeks old and how fast have they grown in the meantime. They are all over 2 kg now. Their mother Zibah is very caring and has a…